Whose Rules?
Life rarely provides the opportunity to make your own rules, rules that feel fair and work. A Collaborative Dissolution presents an opportunity for spouses to collaboratively make their own rules, be in control, and determine how new lives will begin, not politicians or judges.
Grandparent Visitation
In California, a court of appeal has opined that any restriction on a grandparent’s visitation by a parent of a grandchild must be meaningful. Although great weight is given to the wishes of parents those decisions are not outside of judicial review.
We have an Agreement – Now What?
If the settlement agreement is in writing and signed by both parties, the parties may avail themselves of a quick and effective avenue for enforcement by making a motion to enter judgment on the agreement.
Considering a Dissolution? Do it Collaboratively.
Arbitrary and Capricious – the President Must Act Rationally
“And unlike a typical case [...] here the VRA enforcement rationale […] seems to have been contrived.” Chief Justice Roberts, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, ET AL., PETITIONERS v. NEW YORK, ET AL.
Pets - More Than Sundries
Starting last January, 2019, California began treating pets as something more than a number on a balance sheet.
President Trump Cannot Block Twitter Users
Today, July 9, 2019, a Federal Appeals court agreed with the lower court that ruled that President Trump could not block certain users of Twitter because he disagrees with their speech.
President's Initiative on Prescription Drug Costs Blocked by Federal Judge
On Monday, July 9, 2019, a federal judge blocked a White House initiative on prescription drug costs.
Collaborative Dissolution Myths
Few are aware of the collaborative dissolution option, and fewer have knowledge of the collaborative dissolution process. It is hard to imagine that myths exist, but they do.
Fracking Permits Denied
A federal judge has issued an order in favor of the Environmental Defense Center (“EDC”) and Santa Barbara Channel keeper (“SBCK”) prohibiting DCOR, LLC from using well stimulation, including fracking and acid stimulation of wells.