Dissolution of Marriage ("Divorce")
A dissolution of marriage creates two households where one once stood. During a divorce, a spouse or parent confronts insecurity, guilt, and anxiety about the future. The Psychological equilibrium is often disrupted. During a dissolution, it is often difficult to find what is best for the kids while also addressing personal concerns and fears.
It is important to have quality counsel to illuminate the path ahead, provide support and introduce options about how to proceed. There are several procedural models or methods that may be used to dissolve a marriage. The differences between each method relates to the involvement of an attorney and the court. It is important to know your options. Find out about your options HERE.
California calls a divorce a Dissolution of Marriage, which is ending a marriage. A legal marriage results from the consent of both spouses, followed by issuing a marriage license, and solemnization. California does not have common law marriages. However, California recognizes a valid common law marriage from another state as a valid California marriage.
The court is not concerned with fault or blame. This means that a spouse or domestic partner need not prove the other spouse or domestic partner did something wrong. One spouse need only declare that he or she cannot get along with the other spouse because of “irreconcilable differences.”
Either spouse or partner can end the marriage. The other spouse cannot stop the process by refusing to participate. At the end of the dissolution process, the marital estate is divided; a custody and visitation arrangement, if applicable, will be determined; and spousal and child support, if applicable, will be established.