Legal Questions
Q: How does my new husband's income matter when calculating my children’s fathers child support amount?
Q: How does my new husband's income matter when calculating my children’s fathers child support amount?
Q: Can us tenants be evicted?
Q: Can us tenants be evicted if my baby sisters dad is staying with us but isn't on the lease?
Temporary Spousal Support
Once a petition for dissolution has been filed, and before final adjudication the court may order temporary spousal support (pendente lite) either spouse amount necessary for the support of the other spouse.
Q & A
Child Support and Unemployment
Serving and Filing Court Documents
My boyfriend was served divorce papers from his ex. They have been separated for over a year but the divorce process never began. He mailed in his response papers to the court which is 7 hours up north.
Child's preference in custody disputes
Character of the Family Home
A family’s largest investment is often the home they live in. A family home is can be purchased and financed in a variety of ways. When a family dissolves, one household becomes two, and community property must be divided, it's difficult to determine each spouse’s respective ownership interest in the family residence, even experienced attorney’s get it wrong.
Can spouse inherit if we have been separated for years?
Payments Made Toward Separate Property House
QUESTION: During our marriage, community funds were used to pay down principal, property taxes, and make major renovations and upgrades on residence owned by Petitioner prior to the marriage.