Fracking Permits Denied
A federal judge has issued an order in favor of the Environmental Defense Center and Santa Barbara Channel Keeper prohibiting DCOR, LLC from using well stimulation, including fracking and acid stimulation of wells.
On numerous occasions, the Trump administration has failed to consider the environmental impact of fracking and acid stimulation as required under federal law. The Environmental Defense Fund discovered Venoco had been conducting such operations off the coast of California without environmental review as required by the federal Endangered Species Act. On November 11, 2016, the Environmental Defense Center and Santa Barbara Channel Keeper filed suit alleging the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement violated the Endangered Species Act.
Last year, the court agreed and ruled that the process of evaluating the environmental impact must be completed before approving any permits for offshore fracking. DCOR LLC asked the court for an exception because it caused it financial harm. However, that request was denied. Similar orders have been issued by other federal judged in different districts across the county.