Adventures of an in Propria Persona

By Schonauer Law on Jan 12, 2015 at 02:24 PM in Adventures of an in Propria Persona

Pro Per Adventures.

If you are in State court without a lawyer, you are there “for oneself," or in propria persona or pro per.  Over the next year, I hope to assist you with your journey, give you direction, keep you focused, and well hydrated.  Please feel free to comment and email questions, which may become the subject future blog posts.

Cant’ We All Just Get Along

Life is complicated, and rarely lends itself to easy answers.  I consider this an axiom, and while some will disagree I will leave politics and religion to another blogger.  Winston Churchill once stated that, “democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.”  The same might be said of our legal system. 

It is the job of the courts to ensure justice in the administration of the law.  The court is tasked with ensuring that the rule of law decides the outcome of controversies, opposed to the arbitrary decisions of individuals.  The court follows the rules to determine ultimate facts and then applies another set of rules to determine guilt, liability, and equity (more on these terms later).


Our judicial system is much like the board games we played as a child.  Those games had rules, often brief, and that left little opportunity for disagreement.  We created facts as we played and the rules told us the result.  The Top Hat is on free parking (fact), one die shows a 6 the other a 4 (fact), 6 + 4 = 10 (fact). Applying the rules, Top Hat progresses to the next corner space and “Goes to Jail”.    

When Games get more complicated we need more complex rules that often do not cover all the possible factual situations - arguments result.  Just the other day, as I sat in Coffee Cat, two gentlemen played Blitz chess while a third watched.

“Hey – you can’t touch the clock when it is not your turn!”

“I had to straighten it, that’s allowed.  Plus, your hand is always hovering over the clock, which is a violation, and you can’t straighten your pieces on my time – you did that TWICE”

“Why didn’t you say so while I was doing it?”

“Because …”

Still more complicated is getting 300 Million people to reasonably get along.  But it is not as complicated as you think.  I will assist you on your journey.  Just follow the map, it is clear and simple.  Your destination is due East from the Shire and slightly north.

Stay Tuned.

Feb 18, 2019 Arrow1 Down Reply
neidin henard

I sent you a request for help yesterday. Not about family law.
About fraudulent foreclose sales of my home. (664.6)

I have been a fan of Neil Garfield's radio blog livinglies. What I got from years of studying rules, codes, and the color of the laws not being enforced by law enforcement agencies or the civil courts. Because I am elderly and lacked computer skills. I spent hundreds of hours educating myself going back and forth between the Law Library and Livinglies public information. I have learned to understand better how this systematic scheme works. I also understand what a "Conspiracy" is. I have strong evidence identifying how the fraud was committed there are hundreds of other examples in foreclosure litigation where presumptions arise from fabricated documents, facially invalid documents, void documents, and other documents prepared by people employed to intentionally create fraudulent documents for people who have a stake in the outcome of litigation. I have a list of who are participators.
Please, reply to whether you may be interested in assisting us. If not that fine.
Thank you, I do appreciate your time.
Neidin Henard